• Dr. Rashmi Jain


English is a common language for communication. It isused for various purposes like conduction of seminars, discussion and meetings, for management of people, affairs, and tasks; for writing emails, letters reports circulars, proposals, manuals, text messages, etc. Effective communication skills are also required for giving effective presentations. Hence communication skills are very important in order to touch the epitome of success for professionals. As the engineers design the future. Communication skills are very important for their survival. If a student is average in studies butoutstanding in speaking effectively, the companywill definitely hire this candidate...The objective ofthis paper is to recognize the present-day requirementsof the corporate and technical world, the role of communication skills,how anengineer sustains his talent to win the world withtwo powerful weapons technical skills, and communication skills. Ishall also discuss how to hone the significant communication skills to achieve success in one’s career.
How to Cite
Dr. Rashmi Jain. (1). SIGNIFICANCE OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR SUCCESSFUL CAREER. Academic Social Research:(P),(E) ISSN: 2456-2645, Impact Factor: 6.209 Peer-Reviewed, International Refereed Journal, 8(4). Retrieved from